Become a Bannana Engineer!

Your boss needs you to cut some pieces to scale, but your ruler is broken! No worries, the banana engineer is here to save the day. Use the blueprint and banana to cut the right shape and figure see you creation collap- I mean stand proudly in 3D.

Created by:

Adrian Hagerman - 3D art- Itch
Erik W. Gren - Code &; Game Design - Check out Swap!
Miro - 2D Art / Animation / Code
Torben Nordtorp - Music / VFX  / Code - Soundcloud / Itch
Benjamin Kugelberg - Code
ErikEast - Shaders / 3D art
Adam - Code

Also thanks to Broor, Gustav and William  for helping us come up and disguss ideas.

Published 28 days ago
Release date 28 days ago
AuthorsVoxlz, Miroa, Gummp, benwb, EriKWDev
Made withGodot
TagsFunny, Game Maker's Toolkit Jam, Short
Average sessionA few minutes

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